TANAH LOT - Exploring Tanah Lot Temple in Bali

Selasa, 12 Desember 2023 / Blogs


Tanah Lot is a beach with a unique temple that is located on a rock in the middle of the sea near the beach. This rock is separated from other rocks and when the sea water is high, Tanah Lot Temple looks like it is floating because it is surrounded by choppy sea water. The name Tanah Lot Temple means land in the middle of the sea. When the water is low, Tanah Lot Temple, which is built on a rock covering an area of ± 3 acres, can be reached in a few minutes on foot, because it is only about 100 meters from the beach. Apart from its beauty, Tanah Lot also holds legends which some people still believe to be true.

Tanah Lot is a very famous tourist attraction, almost every tourist who goes on holiday to Bali definitely takes the time to enjoy this tourist attraction. Tanah Lot is located in Beraban village, Kediri sub-district, Tabanan district, in the southwest of the island of Bali, about 33 km west of Denpasar city or about 11 km south of Tabanan city. In Tanah Lot there are two temples, Tanah Lot Temple which is located on a large rock in the middle of the beach. Next to it there is another temple which is located on a cliff jutting into the sea. Based on its origins, this temple means "land of the sea" or "land in the sea". The word Tanah Lot has the meaning of the word "Tanah" which is defined as a rock that resembles a dyke or small island, while the word "Lot or Lod" means sea. So the name Tanah Lot is interpreted as a small island floating in the middle of the ocean.

Tanah Lot is famous for its beautiful views. If the weather is clear, we can see a very beautiful sunset, which can make our eyes stop blinking. On the road to Tanah Lot beach you can find many tourism supports such as hotels, restaurants, art shops, and others. A good time to visit there is 16:00, so we can see the view with the steep cliffs, the amazing Tanah Lot temple, and the beach view while waiting for the sunset.

According to legend, the Tanah Lot temple was built by a holy Brahmin named Danghyang Nirartha or also called Ida Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rauh or Danghyang Dwijendra in the 16th century. He came from Blambangan, East Java, to Bali to spread and strengthen the teachings of Hinduism. He carried out a holy journey (dharmayatra) by walking along the southern coast of the island of Bali from the west to the east.

During this journey, he finally arrived at a beach in the Tabanan area, which is not far from Baraban village. In this place Danghyang Nirartha built a temple and spread Hinduism. At that time, the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, was jealous of him because his followers began to leave him and follow Danghyang Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben told Danghyang Nirartha to leave Tanah Lot. He agreed and before leaving Tanah Lot he used his strength to move the boulders to the middle of the beach (not into the middle of the sea) and built a temple there.

Danghyang Nirartha also changed his shawl into a snake guarding the temple. This snake still exists today and scientifically this snake is a type of sea snake which has the characteristics of a flat tail like a fish, black color with yellow stripes and has venom 3 times stronger than a cobra snake. This snake is believed to be able to provide salvation and answer the prayers of those who touch it. The end of the legend states that Bendesa Beraben 'finally' became a follower of Danghyang Nirartha.

Apart from the snakes which are still believed by local residents, another phenomenal thing is that there is a fresh water source on the north side of Tanah Lot Temple even though this temple is located on the beach. Every visitor can drink the holy water or just wash their hands and face, which is said to have many benefits. One of them is believed that this holy water can cure several diseases that are being suffered. Or even for those who want to have children, drinking the holy water in this cave is believed to give them children. So that's why it is also called fertility water. Visitors who come to the Holy Water Cave will not be charged a fee, only there is a donation box if there are visitors who wish to donate voluntarily for the maintenance of this place.

Like other temples, Tanah Lot temple also has an odalan (holiday) which is celebrated every 210 days, namely every "Buda Cemeng Langkir", close to the Galungan and Kuningan holidays. During the odalan, all Hindus from all corners of Bali will come to pray, as well as many tourists who will come to witness the ceremony and the beauty of Tanah Lot, but tourists are not allowed to enter the main part ("Main Mandala") of Tanah Lot temple, except those who enter to pray. This is done to maintain the sanctity of the Tanah Lot temple.

To enter the temple, you have to go through the winding rocks, which are irregular climbing stairs, starting from the north, then turning west and south, then you have to climb several more stairs to get to the temple yard. Tanah Lot Temple has a ceremony or piodalan which falls on Wednesday Wage Langkir which takes place every 6 months or 210 days. At that time, all Hindus from various regions in Bali will come to pray to ask for safety and peace.

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